Thursday, January 14, 2010

it's not my problem... i don't give a shit.
my kids don't eat dirt for dinner. they don't live in a tin shanty, built on the hillside with hundreds of similiar tin shacks stacked above theirs.
my wife didn't die of malnutrition. she doesn't weep at night because she doesn't watch her children play in open sewage drains during the day.
i don't give a shit if nobody in my family can read.
why should i care that there is no health care? hell, my kids aren't sick.
i could care less.
so what their country just experienced one of the worse natural disasters in it's recorded history.
they'll be alright.
as long as it doesn't affect me.
as long as i don't have to deal with it, i'm ok.
it's not my problem.

next to hopelessness, apathy is the largest crime committed against humanity. standing by and watching as others suffer. doing nothing.

life is not a spectator sport.
get it together people. get your heads out of your asses and start caring about something and someone other than yourselves.